The Library has added several new books which you may find interesting.
The Ellen G White Encyclopedia, now in the library as a reference book where you can do research to find information about Ellen White from persons she had contact with, her views and teachings on a multitude of subjects - doctrine and theology, places she was involved with, key events during her life, issues on health and lifestyle,
The Trinity, by Whiden, Moon, and Reeves gives not only Biblical basis for belief in the Trinity, but also outlines the background of our church pioneers including Ellen White and shows the history as they progressed in knowledge and thought about the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The book ends showing how an understanding of the Trinity affects one's views about Salvation and the Great Controversy. This book is found in the doctrinal section.
Among Seventh-day Adventists the Doctrine of the Trinity. . .
is often taken for granted. But increasingly it is opposed by a small minority who have retreated to the anti-Trinitarian position of the pioneers. In response the authors, each a specialist in his field, trace the doctrine of the Trinity through Scripture, church history, and the writings of Ellen G. White.
The first section surveys the biblical foundations of the doctrine and addresses objections that have been raised. Other sections trace the development of the doctrine in Christian history, in Adventist history, and in the writings of Ellen White. The authors explain why the doctrine was resisted by many of the leading pioneers.
The final section asks "So what?" It discusses the theological and practical implications of Trinitarian belief, worship, and practice, showing how it affects what we believe about salvation, atonement, the great controversy, and other significant doctrines. With glossaries, bibliography, and index, this comprehensive primer on the Trinity will shed new light on the central beliefs of Christianity, and show how God still leads His church into all truth
George Knight authored several books giving background and understanding of the work of Ellen White.
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Ellen White's World
Ellen White's World shows society's culture, norms, and values throughout her lifetime. Public knowledge about health principles in particular was quite limited. This book paints a picture of the world she came from and how her visions provided truth in a world of chaos.
The Cross and It's Shadow by S.N. Haskell, one of our early pioneers explains how the ceremonial laws pointed forward to christ and how he fullfilled these laws. This book makes the Sanctuary service and the varous ceremonies come alive in the context of the Cross and How Jesus fullfilled them.
The sanctuary service "was the most
wonderful object lesson every given to mankind"
–Page 37
Drawing solely from Scripture, Stephen Haskell gives you a clear, concise understanding of how the Old Testament sanctuary captures the entire theme of the gospel and represents the work of Christ in our behalf today.
You’ll learn how each facet of the sanctuary and its services, the different offerings and feasts, and the work of the high priest directly illustrate your personal salvation through Christ.
"In the sanctuary, the cross of Christ is the great center of the whole scheme of human redemption. Around it clusters every truth of the Bible" (p.ix).